Search results (69) found.
Labour Monitoring in Pregnant Women using Electrocardiography
Anushka Tiwari, Shirley Chauhan, Sailaja Bharatala, Thammana Ajay, Nilima Paleru, Aftab M. Hussain
IEEE Applied Sensing conference, APSCON, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :5
Fabrication and Characterization of a Flexible Transparent Nozzle/Diffuser Micropump
Malkurthi Shreya, Dhayanithi Niteesh, Sumana Bhattacharjee, Aftab M. Hussain
IEEE Applied Sensing conference, APSCON, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :5
Flexible Writing Pad based on a Piezoresistive Thin Film Sensor Matrix
Mohee Datta Gupta, L Lakshmanan, Anis Fatema, Aftab M. Hussain
IEEE Applied Sensing conference, APSCON, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :5
Smart thermal patch for adaptive thermotherapy
Muhammad Mustafa Hussain, Aftab M. Hussain
United States Patent, Us patent, 2023
Structural engineering approach for designing foil-based flexible capacitive pressure sensors
Rishabh B. Mishra, Fhad Al-modaf, Wedyan Babatain, Aftab M. Hussain, Nazek El-atab
Sensors Journal, SJ, 2022
Google Rank :78
Numerical Modelling of Differential Pressure Sensor System for Real-Time Viscosity Measurement
Sumana Bhattacharjee, Rishabh B. Mishra, Malkurthi Shreya, Aftab M. Hussain
Students Conference on Engineering and Systems, SCES, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :12
Energy Analysis of Semi-transparent Building Integrated Photovoltaic Window in Hyderabad, India Using Automated Parametric Simulations
Md Anam Raihan, Kuntal Chattopadhyay, Aviruch Bhatia, Vishal Garg, Aftab M. Hussain
International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering, ICSREE, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Determination of thermal and mechanical properties of SU-8 using electrothermal actuators
Mohee Datta Gupta, Rishabh B Mishra, Ivin Kuriakose, Aftab M. Hussain
MRS Advances, MRSA, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :21
Wearable Pressure Sensor Suit for Real-Time Detection of Incorrect Exercise Techniques
Ivin Kuriakose, Shantanu Chauhan, Anis Fatema, Aftab M. Hussain
Sensors, Sens, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :191
SGLSim: tool for smart glazing energy performance analysis
Md Anam Raihan, Kuntal Chattopadhyay, Aviruch Bhatia, Vishal Garg, Aftab M. Hussain
Energy Informatics.Academy Conference, EIA, 2022
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-