Software product development can often result in the generation of Software Development Waste
(SDW) at any stage of the software development life cycle. SDW is defined as any resource-consuming
activity that does not add value to the client or the organization developing the software. SDW impacts a
software project’s overall efficiency and productivity as the project scale and size increase. For example,
developers may need to rework implementations that cater to ambiguous feature stories; sometimes
artifacts may not go into production, resulting in unused artifacts, etc.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, software development processes were profoundly impacted. Many
organizations are working predominantly with remote or hybrid work models. Traditional practices,
reliant on in-person interactions and co-located teams, were disrupted as organizations adapted to new,
virtual environments. This transition led to the adoption of various communication and collaboration
tools, fundamentally altering how software development was executed and perceived. The work setup
required teams to navigate productivity, communication, and workflow management challenges, reshaping established development practices. Our research examined the effects of the pandemic-induced
work-from-home situation on the production and handling of SDW.
Starting with a multi-year study, we surveyed 615 participants and interviewed 31 from the software industry across eight countries specializing in various domains. We observed a rise in SDWs and
identified a new type of SDW, and other wastes were reclassified into existing waste types. Additionally, we found that teams need more direct measures of SDW and rely instead on proxy measures such
as productivity and delivery times. The lack of definitive measures to monitor and manage SDW is a
The rising adoption of open-source software (OSS) has prompted an examination of the causes of
SDW within the use-case of OSS and the appropriate metrics for its measurement. The pandemic reshaped practices, fostering more collaborative and flexible approaches and accelerating OSS adoption.
This shift provides a foundation to investigate the influence of these developments on SDW. To address
this gap, we propose four measures, namely Stale Forks (SF), Project Diversification Index (PDI), PR
Rejection Rate (PRR), Backlog Inversion Index(BII), and the Feature Fulfillment Rate (FFR) visualization to potentially identify unused artifacts, building the wrong feature/product, mismanagement of
backlog types of SDW. We applied these measures to ten open-source projects.
We observe that OpenCV has 0.85%, a small percentage of active forks, and 95.79%, a high percentage of backup forks, indicating many unused artifacts. Meanwhile, the low stale fork value at 1.43%
indicates fewer unused artifacts. Rustlings has a high number of potentially stale (26.11%) and stale forks (10.02%), indicating a high percentage of unused artifacts. The PDI ranges from 0.0143 for Rust
in one repository to 2.18 for bootstrap, indicating the rate at which the project’s plan differs from user
expectations and how much it aligns with those expectations, respectively. The repository Rustlings
has the lowest unused artifact count with a PRR rate of 0.22, while angular and react-native are on the
opposite side of the spectrum with values of 6.59 and 19.35, respectively. The project bootstrap has a
’0’ on its BII, with kubernetes showing the highest value at 3.37. Finally, the FFR visualization shows
variations in ‘backlog management’ practices among the different projects.