Search results (303) found.
Learning Driving Behaviors for Automated Cars in Unstructured Environments
Meha Kaushik, K Madhava Krishna
European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ECCV-W, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Gradient Aware - Shrinking Domain based Control Design for Reactive Planning Frameworks used in Autonomous Vehicles
Adarsh Modh, Siddharth Singh, Avula Venkata Seetharama Sai Bhargav Kumar, Sriram Narayanan, K Madhava Krishna
Advances in Robotics, AIR, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :9
Constructing Category-Specific Models for Monocular Object-SLAM
Parkhiya Parv Keshavlal, Rishabh Khawad, J. Krishna Murthy, Brojeshwar Bhowmick, K Madhava Krishna
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, 2018
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :122
Beyond Pixels: Leveraging Geometry and Shape Cues for Online Multi-Object Tracking
Junaid Ahmed Ansari, Sarthak Sharma, J. Krishna Murthy, K Madhava Krishna
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, 2018
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :122
Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Driving Based on Time Scaled Collision Cone
Yash Oza, Mithun Babu Nallana, Arun Kumar Singh, K Madhava Krishna, Shanti Medasani
European Control Conference, ECC, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :34
Chance Constraints Integrated MPC Navigation in Uncertainty amongst Dynamic Obstacles: An overlap of Gaussians approach
Bhatt Dhaivat Jitendrakumar, Akash Garg, Bharath Gopalakrishnan, K Madhava Krishna
Technical Report, arXiv, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Fast Multi Model Motion Segmentation on Road Scenes
Mahtab Sandhu, Nazrul Haque Athar, Avinash Sharma, K Madhava Krishna, Shanti Medasani
Intelligent Vehicles symposium, IV, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :59
A Novel Lane Merging Framework with Probabilistic Risk based Lane Selection using Time Scaled Collision Cone
Avula Venkata Seetharama Sai Bhargav Kumar, Adarsh Modh, Mithun Babu Nallana, Bharath Gopalakrishnan, K Madhava Krishna
Intelligent Vehicles symposium, IV, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :59
Overtaking Maneuvers in Simulated Highway Driving using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Meha Kaushik, Vignesh Prasad, K Madhava Krishna, Balaraman Ravindran
Intelligent Vehicles symposium, IV, 2018
Core Rank : - Google Rank :59
The Earth ain’t Flat: Monocular Reconstruction of Vehicles on Steep and Graded Roads from a Moving Camera
Junaid Ahmed Ansari, Sarthak Sharma, Anshuman Majumdar, J. Krishna Murthy, K Madhava Krishna
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, 2018
Core Rank : A Google Rank :86