Two classes of networks that have been extensively studied in the analysis of physical systems are: (i) regular networks, wherein each node interacts with a specified number of neighboring nodes on geometrical lattices, and (ii) random networks, wherein every pair of nodes have a fixed probability of interacting with each other. Recently much attention is being focused on a class of network models that are neither strictly regular nor completely random, but are somewhere in-between and exhibit properties of both, called small world networks. These networks are shown to exhibit high clustering (i.e., nodes sharing a common neighbor have a higher probability of being connected to each other than to other nodes) and a low average path length (the average of the shortest distance/path between every pair of nodes in the network). Examples for small-world networks are found to occur widely across the biological (e.g., neural connection patterns), social (e.g., friendship network, co-authorship) and technological (e.g., the world wide web) domains. Also it has been observed that a large number of real complex systems exhibit power-law behaviour in their degree distribution, i.e., a few nodes have a very high degree. Such networks are referred to as scale-free networks. Thus, non-standard topologies with long-range connections (i.e., non-local diffusion) and uneven degree distributions are not uncommon in real-life systems and may provide different kinds of spatiotemporal dynamics depending on the extent of non-local diffusion. Here we discuss the characterization and control of spatiotemporal dynamics on four different network topologies, viz., (i) regular, (ii) random, (iii) small-world, and (iv) scale-free by external perturbation or pinning a few nodes in the network. This would provide us insight into the role of the network topology (the underlying connectivity structure) on the dynamics of the systems defined on such networks and the efficacy with which the dynamics can be the controlled or manipulated. An extensively studied example of a nonlinear system exhibiting a wide variety of complex dynamics ranging from simple periodic behavior to chaos is the logistic map. Here we define coupled logistic maps on the four different topologies and systematically investigate the control by external perturbation/pinning for two chaotic regimes: (i) r = 3.6 (weak-chaos), and (ii) r = 3.9 (strong chaos). Our preliminary results show that pinning nodes at regularly spaced intervals, 2nd, 4th, etc., the pinning strength required on a small-world network is similar to that in case of regular networks. For 25% of the nodes pinned, the dynamics on the scale-free topology is controllable but on random networks, it is not. However, on pinning nodes having high centrality measures, viz., degree, betweenness and closeness, we observe that control of the spatiotemporal dynamics is achieved, by pinning only 10% of high degree/ betweenness nodes in low chaotic regime on both small-world and scale-free networks. Complete control of the network is not observed on pinning nodes with high closeness values. For strongly chaotic dynamics, control is achievable only on scale-free networks on pinning 20% of nodes having either high degree, betweenness, or closeness values. Key Words: Dynamics, Control, Topologies, Coupled Logistic Maps, Chaos, Regular, Smallworld, Random, Scale-free networks, Centrality.