Optimizing Forensic Data Availability and Retention of SDN Forensic Logs by Using Bloom Filter
Varun Sharma, Shatrunjay Rawat
International Conference on Information Networking, ICOIN, 2023
Core Rank : B Google Rank :23
On Attribute Aware Open-set Face Verification
Arun Kumar Subramaniam, Anoop Namboodiri
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :31
Evaluating Generalizability of Deep Learning Models Using Indian-COVID-19 CT Dataset
Suba S, Nita Parekh, Ramesh Loganathan, Vikram Pudi, Chinnababu Sunkavalli
International Conference on Bioinformatics and Data Science, ICBDS, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
HWNet v3: a joint embedding framework for recognition and retrieval of handwritten text
Praveen Krishnan, Kartik Dutta, Jawahar C V
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, IJDAR, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :23
Coding Gain for Age of Information in a Multi-source System with Erasure Channel
Shubhransh Singhvi, Praful Mankar
Information Theory Workshop, ITW, 2023
Core Rank : B Google Rank :24
Age of Information with On-Off Service
Ashirwad Sinha, Praful Mankar, Nikolaos Pappas, Harpreet S. Dhillon
Information Theory Workshop, ITW, 2023
Core Rank : B Google Rank :24
Riemannian Hamiltonian methods for min-max optimization on manifolds
Andi Han, Bamdev Mishra, Pratik Jawanpuria, Pawan Kumar, Junbin Gao
SIAM Journal of Optimization, SIOPT, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Audio-visual face reenactment
Madhav Agarwal, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Vinay Namboodiri, Jawahar C V
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WCACV, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :109
Watching the News Towards VideoQA Models that can Read
Soumya Shamarao Jahagirdar, Minesh Mathew, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Jawahar C V
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WCACV, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :109
Towards Generating Ultra-High Resolution Talking-Face Videos With Lip Synchronization
Anchit Gupta, Rudrabha Mukhopadhyay, Sindhu Balachandra Hegde, Faizan Farooq Khan, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Jawahar C V
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WCACV, 2023
Core Rank : - Google Rank :109