Preferential cyclization in tetrahydrofuran amino acids.
Suresh Kumar N V, Purshotam Sharma, Tushar Kanti Chakraborty, Harjinder Singh
Changing Paradigms in Theoretical & Computational Chemistry from atoms to molecular cluster, TCCC, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Design of laser pulses for selective vibrational excitation of the N6-H bond of adenine and adenine-thymine base pair using optimal control theory
Sitansh Sharma, Purshotam Sharma, Harjinder Singh, Gabriel Balint-kurti
Journal of Molecular Modeling, JMM, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :37
A Theoretical Study on Interaction of Small Gold Clusters Aun (n = 4, 6, 8) with xDNA Base Pairs
Purshotam Sharma, Sitansh Sharma, Abhijit Mitra, Harjinder Singh
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, JBSD, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :87
A view-dependent, polyhedral 3D display
Pawan Kumar Harish, Narayanan P J
International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, VRCAI, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Solving multilabel MRFs using incremental α-expansion on the GPUs
Vibhav Vineet, Narayanan P J
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV, 2009
Core Rank : B Google Rank :39
Fast minimum spanning tree for large graphs on the GPU
Vibhav Vineet, Pawan Kumar Harish, Suryakant Patidar, Narayanan P J
Conference on High Performance Graphics, HPG, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Singular value decomposition on GPU using CUDA
Lahabar Sheetal Madhukar, Narayanan P J
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS, 2009
Core Rank : A Google Rank :-
Real-time ray tracing of implicit surfaces on the GPU
Jag Mohan Singh, Narayanan P J
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, TVCG, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :89
Scalable Split and Gather Primitives for the GPU
Suryakant Patidar, Narayanan P J
Technical Report, arXiv, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Large Graph Algorithms for Massively Multithreaded Architectures
Pawan Kumar Harish, Vibhav Vineet, Narayanan P J
Technical Report, arXiv, 2009
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-