Gopal Datt Joshi, Jayanthi Sivaswamy
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP, 2006
Core Rank : - Google Rank :31
Theoretical Analysis of Non-Canonical Base Pairing Interactions in RNA Molecules
Dhananjay Bhattacharyya1, Abhijit Mitra
nternational Conference in Bioinformatics, INCOB, 2006
Significance of mRNA AND siRNA Secondary Structures on RNA Interference Efficiency
D. Satyanarayana Rao, Abhijit Mitra
BioInformatics, BioI, 2006
Core Rank : - Google Rank :139
Gene Identification in silico
Nita Parekh
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, BFG, 2006
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Efficient Implementation of Agri-Insurance Schemes by Piggy backing eSagu System
G. Syamasundar Reddy, Krishna Reddy Polepalli
Information Communications and Technology, ICT, 2006
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
eSagu: An IT based personalized agricultural extension system prototype-analysis of 51 farmers' case studies
B. V. Ratnam, Krishna Reddy Polepalli, G. S. Reddy
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, IJEDICT, 2006
Core Rank : - Google Rank :27
Security: Bridging the academia-industry gap using a case study
Kirti Garg, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi, Giridhar K N, Abhishek K. Mishra
Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC, 2006
Core Rank : C Google Rank :16
Hindi and Telugu to English Cross Language Information Retrieval at CLEF 2006.
Prasad Rao P V V, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEFS, 2006
Core Rank : - Google Rank :-
Query independent sentence scoring approach to duc 2006
Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Prasad Rao P V V, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
Document Understanding Conference, DUC, 2006
WebKhoj: Indian language IR from multiple character encodings
Prasad Rao P V V, Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Vasudeva Varma Kalidindi
International Conference on World wide web, WWW, 2006
Core Rank : A* Google Rank :112