Dam is one of the biggest structures built on the Earth. It is known as a life line structure, as it serves the purpose of irrigation, hydro-electric power generation, flood control, domestic and industrial water supply etc., which are important for human existence. This makes dam as a reliable structure. For this reason, dam should always be designed for highest safety, resisting worst forces of nature. India is a country with over 5,100 large dams. India is also a seismically active country with over 1,000 active faults. 1988 Bihar earthquake, 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake, 1993 Killari earthquake, 1997 Jabalpur earthquake, 1999 Chamoli earthquake, 2001 Bhuj earthquake, 2002 Andaman earthquake, 2004 Sumatra earthquake, 2005 Kashmir earthquake, 2011 Sikkim earthquake are some of the earthquakes that has hit India in the recent past. Also events like 1992 Landers, 1994 Northridge, 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu and few other events that took place around the world proved how devastating an earthquake could be, particularly if it is near-field. Near-field ground motions could cause more damaging effects on structures, as they were observed to differ dramatically from the characteristics of their far-field counterparts. The propagation of fault rupture towards a site at very high velocity causes most of the seismic energy from the rupture to arrive in a single or multiple large long period pulse of motion, which occurs at the beginning of the record. This characteristic of near-field ground motions could cause damage to a wide range of structures including dams. Several dams that were built in India, which are in highly seismic zones are prone to near-field ground motions. In this regard, behavior of a concrete gravity dam subjected to near-field ground motion should be studied.
In the proposed study, a concrete gravity dam is selected from the National Importance Dams of India and is numerically modelled along with its foundation and soil strata, using Applied Element Method (AEM). The dam models are analysed for the components of near-field and far-field ground motions. The comparisons between these two were drawn to understand the effects of near-field ground motions on dams. In another study, vertical displacement is given at the bed rock level to create reverse fault effect, while changing the location of dam alongside fault. Variation of displacements and stresses at the base, crest, toe, heel, neck, and on upstream and downstream sides are evaluated. For understanding the initiation and propagation of cracks, effect at various parts of the dam body is also studied. Failure of dam is observed, when subjected to near-field ground motions caused by reverse fault and strike-slip fault. Also, when subjected to fault motion, failure in the dam body is observed to be more, when the dam is modelled on hanging wall than when it is modelled on foot wall. This study proved life-line structure like dam has failed to near-field ground motion. Thus, dams should be designed to resist severe earthquakes.