Space, time, and number are fundamental to human cognition. The mental
representations on these entities are crucial for planning and decision-making. In our
everyday lives, we are always thinking in terms of quantities — how long would we take
to reach the workplace, what would be a shorter route to get to a specific store from where
we are, how many cupcakes should we prepare for the people we have invited, how do
we throw a stone that will dislodge a shuttlecock stuck in the tree, and so on. Even for
simple tasks like grasping, reaching, or catching a ball, subtle calculations involving
distance, speed, and time are essential. To successfully execute our actions, we need to
synchronize these entities efficiently. For example, to grab an object kept on the table,
one needs to integrate information from time, space, and number dimensions to evaluate
the obstacles present in that environment and the distance between the object and our
body. Further, spatiotemporal integration of information is needed for successful reaching
and grasping. Over the last two decades, numerous studies have advanced our
knowledge of how humans utilize perceptual information to estimate magnitudes such as
space, time, and number. One of the most popular theories of magnitude processing, A
Theory of Magnitude (ATOM), suggests that a generalized magnitude system in the brain
processes information related to space, time, and numbers. Since these magnitudes are
processed by a common magnitude system, they interact with one another. Earlier
studies investigating the number-time interaction have provided support to ATOM’s
predictions. On the contrary, more recent studies have argued against ATOM and
suggested that the cross-dimensional magnitude interactions may emerge from cognitive
factors like attention and memory. Such contradicting findings raise a fundamental
question as to whether a common magnitude system indeed exists, or such crossdimensional magnitude interactions result from cognitive factors. This is still an unsettled
question. In the present thesis, we examine the influence of numerical magnitude on
temporal processing in a different experimental setup. More specifically, we investigated
whether numerical magnitude affects our temporal experience or simply biases judgment
of time. Further, we examined whether large numerical magnitude is always perceived to
be longer in time (as predicted by ATOM) or attentional modulation can cause such crossdimensional magnitude interactions. We also tested the generality of the ATOM
framework in a cross-modal setting wherein numerical magnitude and temporal
information were presented in two different modalities and evaluated ATOM’s prediction
in a cross-domain setting. The overall results from the five empirical investigations
suggest that the processing of numbers and time may not require to invoke a common
magnitude processing system. The cross-dimensional magnitude interactions (in this
case, number and time) may emerge from the modulation of attentional mechanisms.