India’s cooling demands are growing exponentially with rapid urbanization, increase in global warming due to change in climate and an increase in affordability and aspiration levels of rising number of people. Due to the availability of limited energy resources, meeting these increasing cooling demands is a big challenge. A mixed-mode building can operate both as a naturally ventilated building and air-conditioned (AC) building. It allows natural ventilation (NV) when the outside weather conditions are favorable and deploys air-conditioning when natural ventilation is not able to provide sufficient comfort. A well-designed mixed-mode building can prove to be one of the solutions to address this challenge. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate the energy saving potential if the building is operated in mixed-mode. Also, the current practice is to have static setpoint throughout the summers which is not energy-efficient. Based on the recent studies on adaptive thermal comfort, more energy savings can be achieved further if this setpoint can change according to outdoor conditions.
In this thesis, a simulation-based study has been done to evaluate the potential of operating buildings in mixed-mode for five Indian climatic zones according to Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) 2017 (India) – hot-dry, warm-humid, composite, temperate and cold. Five representative cities were selected for each climatic zone namely Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Bangalore and Srinagar respectively. Initially, a methodology for climate potential of natural ventilation has been applied and results have been discussed. Two adaptive thermal comfort models of ASHRAE:55 Adaptive Model of Thermal Comfort (ASHRAE ATC) and Indian Model of Adaptive Comfort (IMAC) have been used to calculate the favourability of natural ventilation for the five climatic zones of India. Bangalore in temperate climate was observed to be the most suitable with almost 60% of hours favouring natural ventilation from a climatic point of view using IMAC. On the other hand, Kolkata was observed to be the least suitable with only 35% of hours in favour of natural ventilation.
To estimate the cooling energy savings, a model for the mixed-mode building has been proposed and simulated in EnergyPlus for all the five locations for two indoor operative thermostat (OT) setpoint controls – fixed thermostat of 26℃ and adaptive thermostat based on IMAC. While evaluating the energy consumption of mixed-mode building, care has been taken to evaluate the sensitivity of NV to wind velocity. This is because weather files are developed by taking the values available at the airport and those wind velocities might not be the same in densely populated parts of the cities. Results have shown that significant cooling energy saving potential is present in both temperate and cold climate. Potential energy saving of 60% is obtainable for Srinagar (cold), 58% in Bangalore (temperate), 29% in Lucknow (composite), 26% in Ahmedabad (hot-dry) and 17% in Kolkata (Warm-humid) when deploying adaptive OT thermostat control according to IMAC Model. Since adaptive model offers higher flexibility range, potential for energy savings using an adaptive model is greater than a fixed thermostat model.
A methodology is also proposed to enable real-time control of operable windows for mixed mode ventilation building. The methodology consists of using real-time weather forecast and predicting the internal loads to estimate the working of windows and correspondingly the mechanical cooling system, for the next timestep. The model is simulated in natural ventilation mode for the next timestep and checked if there is potential to save cooling energy due to inside conditions. Windows remain open if the inside conditions remain favourable, otherwise the mechanical cooling system is scheduled to ON and this repeats for the next window. The methodology has been shown using AERIS Weather Data for hourly forecast of weather parameters and deploying Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) Models to model a day-ahead prediction for the lighting load, electric load and the occupancy profiles. Co-simulation of EnergyPlus is carried out with Building Controls Virtual Test Bed (BCVTB) to enable real-time simulation wherein; the EnergyPlus weather file parameters and input building loads are updated every hour. Based on the indoor and outdoor conditions, EnergyPlus calculates the schedule for opening/closing of windows. A simulation-based case study for Hyderabad, India is performed to demonstrate the working of the proposed methodology. Reduction of 25% in cooling energy demand was estimated in a mixed mode building as compared to the fully air-conditioned building during the study period.