This study aims to investigate different aspects of sequencing. Sequencing and timing the elements of a sequence are fundamental to animal behaviour and in fact, even basic animal sustenance. Sequencing refers to a set of related events rolling out in time. Animals need to adopt mechanisms to execute several facets of sequencing in their day-to-day life, including the perception of, recognition of and response to sequences. In this thesis, we specifically explore the aspects of duration and order.
To investigate duration estimation in humans, we conduct a behavioural study, using the paradigm of the temporal bisection task, and assess the influence of a neuromodulator, caffeine. The task requires candidates to form memory templates of two reference durations, and then, judge which standard a particular stimulus duration is closer to. When tested on a between-subject setting, caffeine administration was observed to lead to an accelerated perception of time. A given probe duration was perceived to be longer by subjects, under the influence of caffeine, than by participants in the control group. We argue that caffeine plausibly modulates memory representation of time, as well as, the internal pacemaker, on the basis of the scalar expectancy theory. We, additionally, conducted a computational investigation to explore the effect of caffeine on duration judgement. We constructed two models, one based on the Gaussian representation of time and one anchored in reinforcement learning. While one model gives us a quantitative account of the empirical data obtained above, the other offers a qualitative understanding of the circuitry involved in the perception of duration.
In the second part of the thesis, we investigate the order aspect of timing using the paradigm of vocal learning in songbirds. Song is a sequence of syllables, i.e. motor commands. We attempt to model the HVc, i.e. an avian brain region involved in forming a representation of the conspecific song that the bird tries to imitate, using a biologically realistic adaptation of the pyramidical neurons found in the neocortex. In addition, electrophysiology experiments show that lesions to the basal ganglia homologue in birds, Area X, fatally affects vocal learning, while lesions made after crystallisation of song, has a negligible effect. Such experiments motivated us to set out to explore the circuitry underlying the learning and issuing of the motor commands responsible for song synthesis. We build a biologically realistic insightful model of vocal learning via the anterior frontal pathway, consisting of the Area X, and the eventual consolidation of this skill in the song motor pathway.
The thesis concludes with a summary of the work, and a discussion on its limitations and future