Real-time streaming and rendering of terrains
Soumyajit Deb, Shiben Bhattacharjee, Suryakant Patidar, Narayanan P J
Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, ICVGIP, 2006
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A t-step ahead constrained optimal target detection algorithm for a multi sensor surveillance system
K Madhava Krishna, Henry Hexmoor, Shravan Sogan
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, 2005
Core Rank : A Google Rank :86
Reactive navigation of multiple moving agents by collaborative resolution of conflicts
K Madhava Krishna, Henry Hexmoor, Srinivas Chellappa
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, JIRS, 2005
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Parametric control of multiple unmanned air vehicles over an unknown hostile territory
K Madhava Krishna, Henry Hexmoor, Subbarao Pasupuleti, James Llinas
Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems, KIMAS, 2005
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Resource allocation strategies for a multi sensor surveillance
K Madhava Krishna, Henry Hexmoor
International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, CTS, 2005
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AT Step Ahead Optimal Target Detection Algorithm for a Multi Sensor Surveillance System
K Madhava Krishna, Henry Hexmoor , Shravan Sogani
Technical Report, arXiv, 2005
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A framework for guaranteeing detection performance of a sensor network
K Madhava Krishna, Henry Hexmoor
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, ICAE, 2005
Core Rank : - Google Rank :25
Fuzzy Clustering with M-Estimators.
K Madhava Krishna, Prem Kumar Kalra
Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IICAI, 2005
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Learning to segment document images
K S Sesh Kumar, Anoop Namboodiri, Jawahar C V
Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, PReMI, 2005
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Document understanding system using stochastic context-free grammars
John C. Handley, Anoop Namboodiri, Richard Zanibbi
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR, 2005
Core Rank : A Google Rank :50