Machine Learning (ML), particularly deep learning, has seen vast advancements, leading to the rise
of Machine Learning-Enabled Systems (MLS). However, numerous software engineering challenges
persist in propelling these MLS into production, largely due to various run-time uncertainties that
impact the overall Quality of Service (QoS). These uncertainties emanate from ML models, software
components, and environmental factors. Self-adaptation techniques present potential in managing runtime uncertainties, but their application in MLS remains largely unexplored. As a solution, this thesis
proposes Machine Learning Model Balancer, a novel concept focusing on managing uncertainties related
to ML models by using multiple models in runtime.
Subsequently, the thesis introduces AdaMLS, an novel approach that leverages the Machine Learning
Model Balancer concept for continuous adaptation. AdaMLS extends the traditional MAPE-K loop,
employing lightweight unsupervised learning for dynamic model switching, thereby ensuring consistent
QoS in dynamic environments. The effectiveness of AdaMLS is demonstrated through an object detection
use case, showcasing its ability to effectively mitigate run-time uncertainties and surpass both naive
approaches and standalone models in terms of QoS.
We further developed SWITCH, an exemplar to demonstrate the practical application of our research
in self-adaptation of MLS. The discussion on SWITCH highlights its role as a tool designed to enhance
self-adaptive capabilities in MLS through dynamic model switching in runtime. SWITCH is developed as
to cater to a broad range of ML scenarios. It features advanced input handling, real-time data processing,
and logging for adaptation metrics, supplemented with an interactive real-time dashboard for system
observability. Through its architecture and user-friendly interface, SWITCH not only demonstrates
adaptability and performance but also serves as a valuable platform for researchers, practitioners, and
students to explore self-adaptation in MLS.
Beyond the primary focus on ensuring optimal QoS, we also explore the application of the Machine
Learning Model Balancer concept in two main areas. Firstly, the EcoMLS approach leverages this concept
to enhance the sustainability of MLS. By optimally balancing energy consumption with model confidence
through runtime ML model switching, EcoMLS marks a significant step towards sustainable, energyefficient ML solutions. Secondly, RelMLS approach to systems, where machine learning is deployed in
streaming mode. Through experiments and implementation, this approach has shown promising results in
object detection use case, adopting a software architecture-based solution to dynamically switch between
models based on contextual reliability. This thesis encapsulates a comprehensive exploration of the Machine Learning Model Balancer
concept, from its theoretical introduction to practical applications in diverse MLS scenarios. Through
AdaMLS, SWITCH, EcoMLS, and RelMLS implementations, we demonstrate the potential of our
approaches in enhancing both the QoS and sustainability of MLS. Our findings suggest that the judicious application of model switching and self-adaptation techniques can significantly mitigate run-time
uncertainties, paving the way for more resilient, efficient, and adaptable MLS.