Competent software engineers will produce quality software systems. Lack of such
qualified software professionals has far reaching consequences and hence is a major worry
for both academia and industry worldwide and especially in India. Educators are trying to
create high impact learning environments that can address this specific issue. The general
consensus among educators and learners is that there is a gap between theory and
practice of Software Engineering (SE), addressable by incorporating more practice
oriented instructional approaches in the learning environments, the conceptual
embodiments of learning and teaching. The very idea has merit. However, instruction
design for SE is not simple due to presence of several impacting factors, situated in the
nature of software, Software Engineering, academia and software industry. Sustainability
and cultural suitability are other factors to be considered. Since SE learning environments
are high impact systems, their design and evaluation should be conscientious exercises,
strongly supported by theory and practice, utilizing holistic yet systematic approaches.
The primary goal of this work is to develop an effective and sustainable Software
Engineering learning environment for Indian conditions. To address this quintessential
problem, we followed a Design Based Research (DBR) approach that is suitable for
educational research and exhibits many similarities with typical Software Engineering
We examined the interdisciplinary domain of Software Engineering Education (SEEd) to
identify factors impacting SE education in the Indian context. Accordingly, requirements
related to learning, and of Differentiating nature were identified. Analysis suggested that
the Differentiating requirements such as scalability, administrative usability, practiceorientation,
motivation, feedback, pedagogical maturity, resource efficiency etc. exhibit
significant interactions and determine the pedagogy design and validation in a learning
environment. We could even classify the Differentiating requirements as Systemic and
We designed a learning model that can effectively and easily bring industrial knowledge
and experience to the classroom, thus bridging the industry-academia gap. The proposed
Case Oriented learning environment for Software Engineering Education (COSEEd) uses a
case based instructional approach, with structured problem solving at its core. Essentially,
challenges in well-designed case studies engage students in authentic SE activities for
solving authentic, contextualized problems. Students achieve the learning goals through
the process of understanding and solving a given SE case study. The assessment activities
are in tight integration with the instruction, thus creating an environment conducive for
learning. This layered system embeds multiple learning theories and design principles
from Educational Technology to support the right set of qualities.
To improve the specificity, accuracy and granularity of analysis, we developed a formal
validation approach named as Requirement Satisfaction Index (RSI). RSI detects and
measures the presence of requisite qualities, including learning at various cognitive levels.
RSI is a novel way of thinking towards design and evaluation of learning environments in
terms of needed capabilities or requirements of a learning environment. Results exhibit
that COSEEd, the case study oriented learning environment is highly suitable for the
Indian context. It imparts effective learning, is scalable, mature and flexible to
accommodate the dynamic nature of SE. Several studies were conducted to examine the
effectiveness of COSEEd. Results from these studies indicate the merit of the proposed
learning environment on several cognitive measurements of learning, Climatic qualities
and Systemic qualities. The model consistently scores high on learning objectives with
higher-level cognitive goals. COSEEd’s advantages are visible in the Climatic requirements
especially practice-orientation, use of authentic problems, interesting, and motivating. For
Systemic requirements, the model was evaluated as scalable, flexible, mature, and
administratively usable, though not resource efficient.
We developed supporting technology and learning material in form of a set of case studies
based on real projects from the Indian software industry. We identified mechanisms to
impact learning by manipulating case studies and learning activities.
Our approach differs from existing work in many ways. It is India specific, but is
generalizable. We take a holistic approach towards the learning environment and
consider both learning effectiveness and sustainability. Requirements of the environment
are gathered after a thorough examination of Indian academic and industrial scenario as
well as nature of the discipline. The design is rooted in several learning theories and design
principles from