Mining Cuboid Outliers in Information Networks
Author(s): Ayushi Dalmia
Advisor(s): Manish Agarwal , Vasudeva Varma
March '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/15
Center of Search and Information Extraction Lab
Exploiting Linguistic Knowledge to Address Representation and Sparsity Issues in Dependency Parsing of Indian Languages
Author(s): Riyaz Ahmad Bhat
Advisor(s): Dipti Misra Sharma
March '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/10
Center of Language Technologies Research Centre
Understanding the molecular basis of thermostability and activity of B. subtilis lipase and its mutants
Author(s): Bipin Indurkhya
Advisor(s): Abhijit Mitra
March '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/11
Center of Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics
Capturing and Resolving Entities and their Mentions in Discourse
Author(s): Vandan.mujadia 0
Advisor(s): Dipti Misra Sharma
March '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/16
Center of Language Technologies Research Centre
Predicting User Attributes from Social Media
Author(s): Santosh Raju
Advisor(s): Vasudeva Varma
March '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/17
Center of Search and Information Extraction Lab
ASIC Design of a Hybrid Pipelined-Parallel Digital Fuzzy Processor
Author(s): Anirban Guha
Advisor(s): Shubhajit Roy Chowdhury
March '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/18
Center of VLSI and Embeded Systems Technology
Transition-based Technique for Syntactic Linearization and Deep Input Linearization
Author(s): Ratish Puduppully
Advisor(s): Manish Agarwal
February '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/19
Center of Language Technologies Research Centre
Effects of structural perturbations on brain’s dynamics and the role of homeostatic plasticity in functional recovery
Author(s): Anirudh Nihalani Vattikonda
Advisor(s): Dipanjan roy
February '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/20
Center of Cognitive Science
A Geospatial analysis towards achieving water security - case study of Hyderabad
Author(s): 0 #n/a
Advisor(s): K S Rajan
February '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/5
Center of Spatial Informatics
Gold Nanoclusters and Nanoparticles: Enhanced Catalytic and Raman Scattering Properties
Author(s): 0 #n/a
Advisor(s): Tapan Kumar Sau
February '17
Report no: IIIT/TH/2017/12
Center of Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics