Forest fire is a major ecological disaster, which has economic, social and environmental impacts on humans and also causes the loss of biodiversity. Forest officials issue warnings to the public on the basis of fire danger index classes. Generally, fire danger indices are developed based on the meteorological stations in countries like Canada, United States of America, Australia, etc. Geospatial techniques such as satellite remote sensing based approaches can be useful to develop the fire danger indices in those countries that lack sufficient meteorological stations. In general, fire danger indices have been developed based on the parameters which are associated for the cause of ignition and spreading of forest fires. These properties include forest fuel type, topographic conditions and moisture conditions. Vegetation and topographic conditions are static, i.e. they do not change frequently, whereas moisture conditions are dynamic. Dynamic properties such as air temperature, relative humidity, moisture conditions changes regularly in a day. In this study, Static Fire danger Index has been developed using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro Radiometer) Land cover type yearly L3 global 500 m SIN grid (MCD12Q1) and ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model datasets. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) land cover type has been generated from MCD12Q1, which has been used to compute the forest fuel type index based on historical fire data. Fuel type danger index, Terrain ruggedness danger index, Slope danger index, Aspect danger index and Elevation danger index were computed from the ASTER GDEM datasets. Uttarakhand state has very few meteorological stations so geospatial techniques can be useful to derive the fire danger indices. Several authors developed the fire danger indices based on satellite derived parameters such as land surface temperature, vegetation and moisture indices such as “Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized Difference Water Index, Normalized Multiband Drought Index, Visible Atmospheric Resistant Index” etc. In this study, Dynamic Fire Danger Index (DFDI) has been developed from three parameters i.e. potential surface temperature, Perpendicular Moisture Index (PMI) and Modified Normalized Multiband Fire Index (MNDFI) using the MODIS Terra satellite datasets. DFDI has been calculated from the Near Real Time (NRT) Level 2 MODIS Terra Land Surface Temperature datasets (MOD11_L2) and MODIS Terra NRT surface reflectance dataset (MOD09). Finally, Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) has been developed by integrating both the Static and Dynamic fire danger indices and also used the near real time data sets that can be available for download through NASA FTP server Developing Forest Fire Danger index using geo-spatial techniques after one hour of the satellite overpass. The overall fire danger prediction accuracy was around 81.27% for the year 2016. Thus, the FFDI has been useful to assess the fire danger accurately over the study area and can be useful anywhere, where the meteorological stations are un-available. The entire procedure of calculating FFDI from NRT datasets was semi-automated so that the fire danger maps will be disseminated to the fire officials for taking timely action in controlling the forest fires.