The current trend in business world involves interaction between multiple parties to fulfill certain business tasks. These tasks are defined at the time when a contract is signed among the parties. A contract is a legal document, which binds together two or more parties to meet a legal obligation. With the advancement of technology, electronic-contracts have evolved. An e-contract is a contract specified, modeled and executed by a software system.
E-contract fulfillment has many challenges as contracts involve interdependencies among its various elements such as (i) activities carried out by various parties, (ii) satisfaction of clauses associated with activity executions, (iii) handling of exceptions when there is a clause violation and (iv) ensuring payments and commitments. Thus, there is a need of an (semi) automated system that can help in e-contract enactment. One way of enacting the e-contract is by a workflow management system. A workflow management system (WFMS) that executes an e-contract should have coordination among contract elements such as activities, parties, clauses, payments, exceptions and commitments in order to enable its successful fulfillment.
The enterprises have to interact with many partners and, hence it results in inter-organizational workflows. While enterprises implement their own workflows, they might overlook few of their dependencies on other elements such as clauses, payments, exceptions and commitments. Hence, a WFMS needs to handle not only the activities but also exceptions, payments and commitments. Thus, there is a need for a framework that binds all of the above elements together with the workflow and can comprehend to ensure the successful execution of e-contract.
In this work, a Hexagonal Integrated Workflow and View Framework for e-contract enactment has been proposed and implemented. The e-contract can have multiple perspectives for each of its elements. To derive the framework that supports multiple views of the e-contract, an integrated workflow was identified as the core component. An integrated workflow was developed that combines individual workflows (of parties) in the required order that allows for flexibility of augmenting additional tasks and events (with the help of user interaction) as required by the contract specifications. Additionally, workflow views for all six elements namely Activity, Party, Clauses, Exceptions, Payments and Commitments were also developed. Here, the views are explicit and clearly specify the tasks and the dependencies among all the elements. Furthermore, the proposed framework helps in monitoring the progress of e-contract execution for its enactment.
The proposed system has two major components, namely Pre-enactment workflow and E-contract Execution workflow. The pre-enactment workflow builds an integrated workflow that comprises of parties workflows. The e-contract execution workflow drives e-contract execution and enables workflow views to support the contract elements. The components work in a sequential manner to facilitate contract fulfillment as per the e-contract specifications and enactment.
Businesses often find it difficult to manage the e-contracts as it involves interorganizational workflows. The proposed hexagonal views in combination with the workflow components make the e-contract enactment easier. The views account for the e-contract elements and the workflow components help in execution.
The workflow components assign the tasks of the e-contract to the concerned parties involved and monitor the progress of the tasks. After the task is completed, it notifies the next party to start the next task. It simplifies execution and monitoring of interorganizational tasks by ignoring the protocols and procedures of an organization, rather focusing on outputs of tasks which can be used by parties to notify E-Contract Execution Workflow. Moving forward, the output becomes the prerequisite for subsequent tasks.
The proposed system has tried to bridge the gap that lies between the conceptual model of e-contracts and workflow, by using the concept of views, mapping them to the workflow and executing it using the E-contract Execution Workflow.